Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Self Inflicted - The Missing Updates 29th July

The buzz on the High grows daily. New and old faces arrive. Street performers and show casts jetting in from all over the world. Good to see these friends; bad for my liver and bad for keeping my blog updated.

So if everyone can bare with me for the moment I'll do my best to catch up.

James James was slightly to blame for no updates today. It was his birthday. So everyone who visits here and everyone who sees his show on the High Street make sure and wish him a belated happy birthday! "That will scare him."

Before heading to the City Cafe for drinks I was pounding the High Street for photo opportunities and I spotted a face from a year or so back. I was greeted with a big smile and a friendly hug. My favourite photos from a few years ago. Wade your way through my many Blogs and you'll find loads of photos from the High Street of A Servant and Two Masters. In one short burst of magic they were my inspiration for the rest of that year. And that moment my most treasured Fringe moments on the High Street.

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